Frequently Asked Questions
How do I place an order?

Answer: First, sign in to your account and add your items in the cart. Click on “Proceed to check out” and input your details in the payment page. Once payment is successful, we will email you the details of your order including the transaction ID so you can monitor the delivery of your items.

Answer: Soon as the order is placed and paid, you won’t be able to cancel or change your order.

Answer: To measure the diameter, place a ruler across the top of the rim and take the measurements from one side to the other.

Answer: You may get in touch with us through our Facebook page or through email at so we can review and process your concern.

Answer: Yes, subject to the courier and the location.

Answer: We are available on major supermarkets and department stores nationwide.

Answer: You may get in touch with us through our Facebook Page or through email

Answer: We will provide you with the tracking number soon as we have arranged shipment for your orders. You may track your orders via the courier’s website using the tracking number we will provide.

Answer: Currently, this is not supported but you may send us a message via Facebook Messenger or email to for further information.

Answer: For same day delivery request, please send us a message via Facebook Messenger or email to for further assistance.

Answer: For any concerns with you order/s or if you need any assistance, please send us a message via Facebook Messenger or email to and we will get in touch with you soon as we can with your concern.